Kiingi Tuheitia has already committed to taking the mauri of this Hui-aa-Motu to Ratana and Waitangi.
Here we can have further koorero and use these hui to grow our kotahitanga. There will also be a report
written about the hui, its discussions, outcomes and directives for our future - as decided by us all. This
report will be drafted by the Waikato-Tainui College of Research and Development. In keeping with
Kiingitanga tikanga, all iwi will have an input into this kaupapa and we will ensure wide ranging voices
and representation participate in the preparation of the report. There are no set outcomes for the hui. We
have not predetennined any outcomes or direction moving forward. Any set statements, outcomes or
directives must come from the hui itself and be agreed to by those present.
Ngaa Iwi o Tainui Waka, as Kaitiaki of the Kiingitanga, are prepared and ready to host the motu. The
Kiingitanga belongs to all of Te Iwi Maaori. You, your iwi and hapuu represent your mana as we strive for
Haere mai e ngaa iwi, haere mai e ngaa mana. Toopuu mai ki te aroaro o Mahinaarangi i runga i te karanga
o te Paki o Matariki.
E Ihowaa whakaorangia te Kiingi Maaori, te Mauri o te Motu.
Archd.eilcon Ngin,
Simmonds PMSP
Rangatiki I
Chief of Staff and Private Secretary
to the King
The Office of the Kiingilanga
P.O Box 63, Ngaruawahia, New Zealand